Ocean Decade Conference
10-12 April 2024, Barcelona
What was the Conference?
Four years into the Ocean Decade, this international conference brought together the global Ocean Decade community and partners to celebrate and take stock of progress and set joint priorities for the future of the Decade. It was hosted by Spain and co-organised with UNESCO's International Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO).
The Conference aims were to:
- Generate consensus on science-policy-society priorities for the Ocean Decade via discussion of the Vision 2030 process.
- Create opportunities for networking to encourage new partnerships and initiatives.
- Provide a global platform for announcements and commitments.
- Prepare for the 2025 UN Ocean Conference and related events.
What happened at the Conference?
Alongside the main schedule, lots of interesting satellite events were hosted at the Conference in Barcelona. Visit our Barcelona Satellite Events page for more information on the UK-led activities which ran during Ocean Decade Week. Full details of the Conference programme and satellite events are available on the Conference website:
2024 Ocean Decade Conference | Homepage (oceandecade-conference.com)
The UK National Decade Committee co-hosted a satellite event with the Indian and Brazilian National Decade Committees "What can National Decade Committees do for you? Linking Global and National Priorities through stakeholder engagement" in the main Conference venue.
We also took part in the poster sessions to provide more information on the UK National Decade Committee and showcase the great work of the UK science community.