
10 March 2025: UK Stakeholder Event [Registration of Interest Closed]

Register your interest in attending our one-day workshop plus evening networking reception, at the Royal Society, London.

23 October 2024: Ocean Decade UK are recruiting! [Closed]

Are you passionate about the ocean and its future? Do you want to be part of a transformative movement in ocean science? The UK National Decade Committee for the UN Ocean Decade is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our team!

15 October 2024: Call for Decade Actions No.8

Rooted in the outcomes of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 process, Call for Decade Actions No. 08/2024 aims to bridge science and knowledge gaps in coastal resilience, society’s relationship with the ocean, and the ocean-human health nexus.

31 July 2024: Ocean Literacy World Conference 2024

Ocean Decade UK member Natalie Fox attends the first Ocean Literacy World Conference, working with delegates and experts from UNESCO member states to develop the "Venice Declaration for Ocean Literacy in Action"

18 June 2024: Co-Design for the Ocean Decade: IOC - UNESCO launch new online course

IOC-UNESCO have launched a free online course ‘to equip ocean scientists and the broader ocean science community with the skills needed to co-design the science we need for the ocean we want.

10 June 2024: New Endorsed Activity: Turning the Tide: Systems thinking for a sustainable ocean”

The Institution of Environmental Sciences are happy to announce the renewed endorsement of the activity 'Turning the Tide: Systems thinking for a sustainable ocean'

1 June 2024: Endorsed Activity: Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR) Conference, 2024

This year's AMEMR Conference, held at the University of Plymouth, is endorsed by the Ocean Decade.

17 May 2024: Call for Decade Actions No 7 [Closed]

The Call aims to fill gaps in funding and resources, as well as to incentivize new initiatives in capacity development as part of the Ocean Decade Capacity Development Facility to support Decade Actions.

14 May 2024: Royal Society's Ocean and Marine Science Policy Primer 22-23 May 2024 [Applications Closed]

The Royal Society’s Ocean Science Policy programme, together with King’s Policy Institute, will deliver their second Ocean and Marine Science Policy Primer, on Wednesday 22 to Thursday 23 May at the National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton.

10 April 2024: Ocean Decade: Barcelona Conference

The UN Ocean Decade Conference was held in Barcelona, 10-12 April 2024. Four years into the Ocean Decade, this international conference brought together the global Ocean Decade community and partners to celebrate and take stock of progress and set joint priorities for the future of the Decade.

8 April 2024: Ocean Decade Week, April 2024

UK Decade actors hosted Satellite Events in Barcelona, in support of Ocean Decade Week 2024.

11 March 2024: Opportunity for ECRs and ECOPs: The Role of Seabed Mapping in Ocean Science [Closed]

The Royal Society to co-host an event showcasing the work of early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) on the role of Seabed Mapping in Ocean Science: Deadline for Applicants 7th February

10 November 2023: MEDIN: UK Contribution to the UN Ocean Decade

The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) to support the OceanData - 2030 Decade Programme

15 October 2023: Call for Decade Actions No 6 [Closed}

Call for Decade Actions 06/2023 launched to support co-design of new Decade Actions in Africa and Caribbean SIDS. There are different deadlines for submission, depending on the type of Action to be submitted.

31 August 2023: Decade Call No 5 [Closed]

UN Ocean Decade Calls open every 6 months. Call No. 05/2023 opened on 15th April 2023 and closes on 31st August 2023.

8 June 2023: New Chair for Ocean Decade UK

We are happy to announce the appointment of Dr Matt Frost as new Chair of the UK NDC and the launch of our website.

13 April 2023: Chair Opportunity [Closed]

In 2023, the position of a Committee Chair for the UK NDC was advertised across national Ocean Science communities. A new Chair has now been appointed.

29 September 2021: Call for volunteers [Closed]

In 2021, the IWG of the Marine Science Coordination Committee called for volunteers to join the UK's National Decade Committee (NDC) to support the UK's contribution to the UN Ocean Decade. The UK's NDC was established in 2022.